ECFP Wastewater Treatment Event – 15/16 November 2022, The University of Edinburgh

ECFP Wastewater Treatment Event – 15/16 November 2022, The University of Edinburgh

For details see the FLYER.

This free Edinburgh Complex Fluids Partnership (ECFP) event brings together industry practitioners, interdisciplinary academics and regulatory professionals to discuss sectoral challenges and strategic objectives towards improving efficiency, minimising environmental impacts, and enhancing public perception.

Current wastewater treatment research either focusses on the microscale (the microbiology of individual bacteria), or the macroscale (processing megalitres of sewage per day). Often the length scales between these two extremes are not studied, meaning that crucial mechanistic understanding linking the two are missed. Soft matter and biological physics studies the mesoscopic phenomenology bridging these micro- and macro-scales. Examples of this are clustering of individual bacteria to decrease sedimentation time, reduced packing and densification of activated sludge containing elongated bacteria, and the interactions of bacteria and substrates in the formation of biofilms.

The day will focus on 5 themes spanning the WWT lifecycle from ingress to discharge and will attempt to identify the key fundamental scientific challenges.

**We have now filled our limited number of £150 ECR travel bursaries for this event – many thanks to all who applied and we hope you enjoy the conference.**