Anyone with an interest in Environmental Biotechnology (EB) can participate in our Network which is free to join. Now over 1100 academic and industry members we exist to network and inform on all aspects of EB. Got a query? Ask us – we may be able to help. Please note our membership Terms and Conditions. Membership benefits include:

- Access to network events, many of which are free to attend
- The opportunity to apply for academic-industry collaborations through Proof of Concept and Business Interaction Voucher funding
- Regular newsletters and news roundup from the Research Councils and EB community
- Networking opportunities with members from academia, industry and government.
- Promoting EB science to schools and the public through outreach activities
- Support for young professionals and Early Career Researchers (ECR)* through conference attendance, training and skills development, both in UK and overseas.
*ECR/Young Professional Definition:
To be considered an Early Career Researcher, you must be an academic/ postgraduate/post doctorate in a permanent position in a UK institution. This need not be full-time. Applicants at the time of submission:
1) must have no more than three years’ full-time employment (or the full-time equivalent taking account of career breaks, part-time employment, etc.) at lecturer or equivalent level, and
2) should not exceed 10 years in active postgraduate research studies and postdoctoral research employment.
To be considered a Young Professional, you must have been employed, post-graduation, for no more than 3 years outside academia in some form of R&D capacity.