Environmental Biotechnology Network

NOV 19 Funding Roundup

HVB: Business Interaction Vouchers – £10KDeadline: 8 January 2020 HVB:Training fund – £1KDeadline: MonthlyNetwork members can request funds of up to £1000 for a training activity including training course fees and/or accommodation and visits to other laboratories in the UK for training purposes. BBSRC: Industrial biotechnology for improving production of …

Teagasc fellowships available

Fellowship positions are available from Teagasc in Ireland. If you know somebody who might be interested, feel free to disseminate. Note that deadline for the expression of interest is 13th November 2019 and the person should have a PhD by the time of completing the full application (January 2020). Here …

EBNet participates in Biodigester Hackathon, University of Sheffield: 2-3 Nov 19

There was stiff competition at the University of Sheffield’s biodigester hackathon, organised by Helen Wright and sponsored by RS Components, Grass Roots and the Alumni Association. Each team consisted of cross-disciplinary first and second year engineering students, mentored by a third year student. The students were challenged to build a …

How AD can help deliver net zero

Iveco Truck – Cenex 2019 – courtesy of R. Gueterbock

Steering group member Richard Gueterbock has produced a thought-provoking article on how on-site AD plant could help deliver the UK’s net zero ambitions – read about it here.

OCT 19 Events Roundup

Remediation of Brownfield Land – A Contractor’s Perspective  (ICE South Branch Graduates, Students and Apprentices)22 October 2019 at 17.30, University of SouthamptonSee:https://www.ice.org.uk/events/remediation-of-brownfield-land-southampton University2Business: Facing the Clean Growth Challenge 8 November 2019, University of PortsmouthSee: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/university2business-facing-the-clean-growth-challenge-u2b2019-registration-70687057893 UKRI: Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging (SSPP) scoping workshop15 November 2019, BirminghamSee: https://nerc.ukri.org/latest/events/list/sspp/ E3BNet: Metal Biorecovery Workshop28-29 November 2019, ManchesterThe aim of …

OCT 19 Funding Roundup

BBSRC: call for Greenhouse Gas Removal (GGR) demonstratorsMandatory workshop:16 October 2019, LondonUp to £22 million available to fund up to five demonstrators.See: https://nerc.ukri.org/funding/application/currentopportunities/pre-announcement-greenhouse-gas-removal-demonstrators-programme-calls-and-workshop/  UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centres/Coordinator webinar sessions 17 and 22 October 2019An opportunity to learn more about the programme. If you would like to attend, please register your interest by emailing circular.economy@epsrc.ukri.org identifying which webinar …

EBNet sponsors £250 poster prize at Biosolids event – travel vouchers available

WIN £250! We have £100 ECR bursaries to give to early career researchers who provide posters to the Aquaenviro European Biosolids & Organic Resources event. There is a prize of £250, sponsored by EBNet. Register using the link above and email/DM us if you’re interested!

EBNet-AlgaeUK: Algae and Environmental Biotechnology, 9 Oct 19

The theme of this EBNet and Algae-UK joint event was “recent developments in the field of carbon capture, commercial development and integrated systems”. Held at Birkbeck College, London on 9 Oct 19, a stellar gathering of speakers explored the following topics. Talks were followed by a panel session, kindly chaired …

SEPT 19 Events Roundup

5th European Conference on Sludge Management6-8 October 2019, Liège, BelgiumThe main scope of the Conference is to provide a scientific program of cutting-edge research in wastewater sludge management. It will bring together international experts of sludge management, scientists, researchers and engineers, R&D laboratories, water agencies, governmental delegates, and private companies …

SEPT 19 Funding Roundup

UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy CoordinatorWebinar dates: 17th and 22nd OctoberDeadline for “Intent to Submit”: 31st OctoberDeadline for “Proposal”: 19th November 2019Up to £150k (at 80% FEC) is available for this initial grant to engage with the full spectrum of interdisciplinary research and stakeholder communities and design a proposal for an …

AUG 19 Funding Roundup

The BioIndustry Association (BIA) engineering biology pitching competitionDeadline:  29th August 2019BIA is organising a pitching competition for engineering biology start-ups and SMEs that are looking for early-stage investment. The pitching competition will be part of the BIA’s annual UK Bioscience Forum, a conference which attracts over 300 representatives from the …