Post-Grad Opportunity – join the BBSRC People and Talent Strategy Advisory Panel (PATSAP) Researcher Subgroup

Post-Grad Opportunity – join the BBSRC People and Talent Strategy Advisory Panel (PATSAP) Researcher Subgroup

BBSRC are looking to appoint up to 9 individuals to the Researcher Subgroup of its People and Talent Strategy Advisory Panel to focus on issues related to researcher careers and development. They are seeking researchers from across academia, industry, enterprise, and policy to contribute to and influence change and are widening the remit of individuals included in this group to reflect the every-changing career trajectories of researchers.

As a member of the Subgroup, you would have the opportunity to have profound, significant contributions to the rationale of new BBSRC fellowship schemes and strategy, to provide informed real-life insight into the implementation and effectiveness of the Researcher Concordat in addition to contributing to discussions and working groups around key themes and foci of BBSRC such as equality, diversity and inclusion in research careers.
Applications are sought from researchers, fellows and postdoctoral researchers which qualify under their definition of ‘researcher’ and are from the following:
• Academics including postdoctoral researchers, early career researchers and fellows, and researchers who are starting out in the initial stages to independence (for example, researchers who have yet to establish an independent position managing a lab/group) from research institutions and organisation
• Industrialists having undertaken a PhD and now working in an industrial setting
• Individuals from Government-funded laboratories
• Early career stage individuals who have moved from traditional academic pathways into policy, enterprise, business, or innovation sectors

The deadline for applications is Monday 5 April 2021 at 16:00.

Find further information on this opportunity here, or contact