Understanding the Digital Shift in Bioenergy: Industrial Survey Invitation

Understanding the Digital Shift in Bioenergy: Industrial Survey Invitation

Professionals and academics working within the bioenergy industry are invited to participate in a research project exploring the digitalisation of bioenergy processes. Through this survey, the Supergen Bioenergy Impact Hub aim to gather insights on how digital technologies are currently being utilised in the sector, identify barriers to their broader adoption, and highlight opportunities to enhance efficiency and sustainability.

Your expertise can help shape strategic recommendations for accelerating digital innovation in bioenergy. Join us in this important study and contribute to a more sustainable future. To participate, please complete the survey by accessing the link below. This study has been reviewed and approved by the University of Surrey Ethics Committee (Ref: FEPS 23-24 016 EGA).

Link: https://forms.office.com/e/n4ZziN0P4m