Steering group member Richard Gueterbock has produced a thought-provoking article on how on-site AD plant could help deliver the UK’s net zero ambitions – read about it here.
News not identified elsewhere: speaking at conferences, presenting poster prizes, etc
The UKRI-BBSRC Collaborative Training Partnerships (CTP) scheme is a doctoral training programme directed at industrial research challenges and delivered by consortia led by businesses in collaboration with Research Organisations. Its ambition is to build capacity and address strategic skills challenges in the UK bioeconomy[1] at doctoral level and provide candidates …
Apply by 14 Feb 20 Dr Claudio Avignone-Rossa is recruiting a Postdoctoral researcher to work on microbial electrochemical systems for water treatment, in a collaborative project between the Systems Microbiology Group at the University of Surrey and the Department of Water Pollution (National Research Center, Egypt), funded by the British Council through …
14/16 September 2020, University of Nottingham. More here.
This Bioelectrical Engineering Innovation Hub 2020 Workshop will be held at the Radcliffe Conference Centre, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, CV4 7SH on 27-28 April 2020. Fragmented individual studies on a diverse range of biological systems, conducted over the last decade show that electrical forces and electrochemical gradients are fundamental …
Industrial Decarbonising Research and Innovation Centre. A champion appointed by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) will develop plans for a new centre which will help to achieve the government’s net zero ambitions by addressing challenges to the decarbonisation of the industrial sector. Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer, of Heriot-Watt University, will work …
To celebrate and make Women in STEM more visible, Cranfield University is organising the Early Career Women in Water (ECWW20) conference to be held on 17 March 2020. The event will provide a platform for female early career researchers and young water professionals to promote their work and research, thereby …
Fellowship positions are available from Teagasc in Ireland. If you know somebody who might be interested, feel free to disseminate. Note that deadline for the expression of interest is 13th November 2019 and the person should have a PhD by the time of completing the full application (January 2020). Here …
Steering group member Richard Gueterbock has produced a thought-provoking article on how on-site AD plant could help deliver the UK’s net zero ambitions – read about it here.
The remit of RWM, held in conjunction this year with the Contamination Expo on 16-17 Sep aligns well with the objectives of the EB Network. With exhibitors from ADBA to Zonesafe, there was a range of companies operating in aspects of Environmental Biotechnology. In addition, Jeremy Paxman was a keynote …