Environmental Biotechnology Network

MAR 20 Events Roundup

KTN: Addressing the Challenges of Microfibres16 April 2020, National Oceanography Centre Institute of Water: Environment Conference 2020: Climate Change and Water22 April 2020, Bristol Brownfield Summit 202012 May 2020, London All-Energy Conference13/14 May 2020, Glasgow 5th International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation13-15 May 2020, Middlesex University CIWM: …

MAR 20 Funding Roundup

E3B: Business Interaction Voucher7 April 2020 Microbiology Society: Research Visit Grant8 April 2020 BIFFA: Built Environment and Natural Environment Partnership Grants Schemes 202017 April 2020Awards between £250,000 and £750,000 for large-scale projects of regional or national significance. Innovate UK: Smart Grants22 April 2020 The Royal Society: Industry Fellowships28 April 2020 …

International development and renewable energy access through academic and industrial collaboration, 14 Mar 20, Aston

The Supergen Bioeenergy Hub invites you to this networking event to explore successes and opportunities in international development and renewable energy access on Tuesday 24 March, 12-4.30 pm at Conference Aston, Aston University. This event is part of the Innovate UK Energy Catalyst project Rice Straw to Biogas (R2B) which …

IBioIC Funding

IBioIC are offering a range of funding, some ongoing and some with April closing dates. See details below. Funding Body Name Funding Amount Closing Dates Scope Eligibility IBioIC Innovation Fund Project Call Up to £100,000 03/04/2020 Scottish academic- industrial partnerships. Large pieces of innovative R&D work. Academic/Industrial Collaboration IBioIC IBioIC …

FEB 20 Funding Roundup

Privilege Finance Dissertation Sponsorship 28 February 2020 Suitable for U-Graduate and MSc students, this has a max. award of £1000. British Society for Cell Biology 2020 Competitions 29 February 2020 NBIC 3rd POC Call 6 March 2020 Ecosurety Exploration Fund10 March 2020Reduce the environmental impact of packaging, batteries or WEEE …

FEB 20 Events Roundup

AgroRES Interreg Europe Seminar: renewable technologies for farms9 March 2020, Higher Fingle Farm, Exeter CIEEM: 2020 Spring Conference: Assessment and Mitigation of Air Quality Impacts on Biodiversity4 March 2020, Sheffield Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC) Annual Forum 20206 March 2020, The Royal Geographical Society, Burlington House, London GCRF Demonstrate Impact …

UKRI-BBSRC Collaborative Training Partnerships (CTP2) funding call is now open

The UKRI-BBSRC Collaborative Training Partnerships (CTP) scheme is a doctoral training programme directed at industrial research challenges and delivered by consortia led by businesses in collaboration with Research Organisations. Its ambition is to build capacity and address strategic skills challenges in the UK bioeconomy[1] at doctoral level and provide candidates …

Early Career Researcher Conference – 25 Jun 20

This event was held as an online conference on Thursday 25 Jun. All voting closed on the 14th of July. This entirely free event connects EBNet ECR members* to share research and experiences across the range of Environmental Biotechnology activity nationwide. Due to recent events, this was a “virtual” conference. …