Research performs a large number of functions for society. Occasionally, researchers identify a market gap and see where they can make improvements in the equipment they require to do their job in a timely and cost-effective manner. A spin-out from the University of Warwick, Humane Technologies Ltd. has done just this and has developed the MicrobeMeter to provide continuous microbial growth data for anaerobes and thermophiles. In the challenging world of an early start-up business, they have put together a short survey in order to better understand their potential user needs.
Read more about MicrobeMeter below and help them with their market survey here.
Studying anaerobic microbial physiology is very challenging experimentally. There are few devices capable of measuring anaerobic growth rates over extended periods at high resolution with non-disruptive data capture techniques at an affordable cost.
By measuring microbial growth dynamics under different conditions it is possible to determine the factors that improve fermentation productivity, reduce production costs and improve the economics of environmental biotechnology.
Find more detail here on how and why the MicrobeMeter does this.