EBNet Animation Opportunity

EBNet Animation Opportunity

As part of EBNet’s Engineering/Biology theme we intend to commission some short animations that illustrate interactions between the system microbiology and its engineering envelope in Environmental Biotechnology. This EBNet resource – a collection of publicly available videos – will showcase EB in an accessible way to promote a better understanding of some key concepts and underlying ideas. Examples could include any aspect of EB relevant to EBNet, but ideally should be concise and specific to a single concept rather be of general wide-ranging nature, e.g. how a bioreactor’s biological performance is impacted by… mixing and mass transfer, biomass retention and product extraction.

If you have an idea for an animation, please get in touch now. Email ebnet@ebnet.ac.uk by 19 July 2024 with your idea (in 2 or 3 sentences). If selected we’ll then ask for your draft script (only 3-400 words), and take it through to production on your behalf. 

The intended audience is people with some scientific background or interests but who are not expert in this field: it could range from members of the public to funding panel members, through to policymakers. The maximum length is around 3 minutes. For an indication of what you can fit into this, see the original ‘What is Environmental Biotechnology?’ clip on our website. Animations will be published on the EBNet YouTube site with authors’ names credited and copies will be made openly downloadable.