Job: Research Assistant / Associate in Trickling Filters at BEWISe, Newcastle University. Deadline: 23 June 2024

Job: Research Assistant / Associate in Trickling Filters at BEWISe, Newcastle University. Deadline: 23 June 2024

BEWISe (Biological Engineering Wastewater Innovation at Scale) is an international centre of research excellence and experimentation for wastewater management technology. Newcastle University’s new Biological Engineering: Wastewater Innovation at Scale (BEWISe) facility is the first of its type in Europe in large-scale wastewater treatment research using bacteria.

They are looking for an enthusiastic researcher to join their fast-paced interdisciplinary research team based in Newcastle University’s School of Engineering. The “BEWISe on trickling filter process emissions” project will involve working with Professors Russell Davenport, Sam Wilson and Tom Curtis together with the BEWISe Wastewater Research Facility team, and a Research Technician. This will be a collaborative project delivered by a consortium, led by Royal HaskoningDHV, along with Newcastle University, Cranfield University, Jacobs, Mott MacDonald, Farmiloe Fisher and Northumbrian Water Ltd.

This exciting project will deliver a scientifically robust study, performing experiments at scale to investigate the environmental and process factors affecting nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from trickling filters (TFs) and provide evidence for the monitoring and mitigation of such greenhouse gases.

Candidates should apply here.