The 4th Annual Early Career Researcher Conference (ECR22): Welcome back to live events

The 4th Annual Early Career Researcher Conference (ECR22): Welcome back to live events

12-14th September 2022 – Jubilee Conference Centre, Triumph Road, The University of Nottingham NG8 1DH

Here is the opening presentation with added details on other NIBBS, funding and links to more information here.

Our updated and detailed agenda is now available here (the printed version we will hand out has slightly larger print!)

Please ensure that presentations are sent to us by Friday 9 September – you can bring them along later, but receiving them early does help us minimise the stress! Please use our University safesend for large presentations.

Please send in your posters by Monday 5 September if you’d like us to print them and bring them; otherwise you can bring them along on the day. There are 15 minute slots for presentation, but you should aim to speak for about 10-12 minutes, to give time for change over and questions. Please send us your presentations by Friday 9th September, as it means we can organise them before the event. Let us know if this will be problematic.

This is just a reminder that we will be booking the accommodation that you have requested – you just need to book your travel (we reimburse up to £250 as noted below) and we will send you the forms for reimbursement closer to the date We recommend that you submit them AFTER the event, in case of travel disruption.

Here are the updated joining instructions (version 3).

We will be notifying everyone this week on whether they have presentation slots. People who have requested poster slots will have them.

Please note that if you have requested accommodation at registration (and nearly everyone has) we will have booked it for you. You just need to book your travel. We will send claim forms for travel (up to £250) for you to return to us after the event.

Although most people will be accommodated (bed and breakfast) at the main Jubilee venue where the conference is held in the East Atrium, a few people will be accommodated at the Orchard Hotel and will have to take a short shuttle bus or tram trip to the main venue. If you are accommodated at the Orchard, we will inform you of this separately.

Please email us abstracts by Thursday 18 August 2022. Final call: Friday 26 August 2022.

Project management skills are a really good addition to a CV and useful for careers in academic and industry. We plan to hold a Project Management skills workshop on 14 Sep from 14:00 to 16:30. Places are limited, so registration is separate – please register your place here (note that you do have to be registered for the conference).

Showcasing the latest research and innovation with a selection of Early Career Researcher* (ECR) presentations and posters, opportunities to network across disciplines and a chance to explore the wider world of Environmental Biotechnology in context, this is certain to be both absorbing and enlightening. Keep connected to the latest developments in Environmental Biotechnology with EBNet this summer.

Last year we were online with a week-long programme of talks and posters. Over 80 attendees enjoyed the benefits of keeping up-to-date with the latest happenings in EB from within the UK and across the world. (See our past ECR events here: 2021, 2020 and 2019.)

This year we return to a live conference format and celebrate the launch of our new video “What is Environmental Biotechnology” embracing the full range of activities occurring in the sector. Participants to this free conference have automatic access to our ECR travel bursary – i.e. you don’t have to specifically apply**. Up to 2 nights’ accommodation and an evening dinner are also included (state preferences upon registration), making this a must-attend event for networking with peers. (** up to £250 available to all UK-based ECR EBNet members)

Join us in 3 simple steps:

First – REGISTER. We need to know you are interested! (If you have not already joined the Network as a member, please do this now too.)

Second – send us your ABSTRACT. This is 300 words to let us know what you are up to. Tell us if you want a poster (A1 size, ideally portrait) or a 15 minute platform presentation. After the closing date, we will sort and select sessions based on your abstracts, then get back to you with your position in the agenda. Anyone not selected for a platform/poster presentation must provide a short 2-3 minute ‘Networking (talking heads) video’. Remember, you can only attend if you participate!

Third – lastly, SEND US A COPY of your poster, presentation or networking video. We need to get this uploaded and ready for the event. (And also act as your back-up in case of any IT issues on the day).

All updates and changes, including the Agenda, Joining Instructions, and any changes to the deadlines, will be posted here and also advertised in the EBNet monthly newsletter. Know someone else who ought to be here? Pass the word out to your colleagues and bring them too – we love new members. Find the FLYER here.

Outline Draft Agenda (NB: timings may change slightly):

Monday 12 Sep 22 – Evening get together with drinks: 19:30 – 21:00 hrs

Tuesday 13 Sep 22 – Conference 09:00 – 17:15 and evening dinner: 19:00 – 23:00 hrs

Wednesday 14 Sep 22 – Conference 09:00 – 14:00 hrs

Wednesday 14 Sep 22 – Optional workshop (limited places) 14:00 – 16:30 hr – Due to limited places, registration is separate. Please register here.

*Early Career Researcher/Young Professional Definition:

To be considered an Early Career Researcher, you must be an academic/postgraduate/post doctorate in a permanent position in an academic institution. This need not be full-time. Applicants at the time of submission:

1) must have no more than three years’ full-time employment (or the full-time equivalent taking account of career breaks, part-time employment, etc.) at lecturer or equivalent level, and

2) should not exceed 10 years in active postgraduate research studies and postdoctoral research employment.

To be considered a Young Professional, you must have been employed, post-graduation, for no more than 3 years outside academia in some form of R&D capacity