Environmental Biotechnology Network

Online summer school – the Inspire Programme: Sustainable Aquaculture

The Sustainable Aquaculture summer school encourages talented recruits to create innovative solutions which increase the productivity and profitability of the aquaculture sector. The course will provide training and theory in finfish, shellfish, algae biology, culturing, growth, molecular and metabolite analysis; access to key stakeholders within the sector; and a final pitch …

HBBE Annual Summit 2021 – Biotechnology for the Built Environment, 6-9 July

This free, online, four day event will host international speakers who are leaders in biotechnology, design and fields related to the built environment, as well as showcasing the early work emerging from the HBBE. Organised around our four research themes – Microbial Environments, Living Construction, Building Metabolism and Responsible Interactions …

Imminent funding opportunities from the National Engineering Biology Programme

Engineering Biology   UKRI partners including BBSRC, EPSRC, Innovate UK, MRC, and NERC, have worked closely with MoD/Dstl to engage the UK community and establish a vision for UK engineering biology. Building on this vision, UKRI continues to develop a proposal for an ambitious National Engineering Biology Programme (NEBP) to …

Can biomass displace petrochemicals as a feedstock for manufacturing?

Can biomass displace petrochemicals as a feedstock for manufacturing? The world is committed to decarbonising human activities to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. If we are to restrict global temperature rise to 1.5-2.0 by the end of this Century, we will have to eliminate the use of fossil-based …

JUNE 21 Events Roundup

BBNet Conference (live)13-15 October 2021 9th IWA Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Specialist Conference: Microbial Ecology Data & Principles for Water Systems and Industries18-20 October 2021 Energy Institute: Reservoir Microbiology Forum (RMF) 202110-11 November 2021 The Biochemical Society: Synthetic Biology UK 202122-23 November 2021, EMCC, Nottingham IWA Wastewater, Water and …

JUNE 21 Funding Roundup

BBNet: BIVOpen Knowledge transfer partnerships (KTP): 2021 to 2022, round 230 June 2021 Algae-UK: BIV25 June 2021 E3BNet: BIV30 June 2021 IBioIC: Innovation Funding1 July 2021 Innovate UK: Young Innovators Awards 2021/2228 July 2021 KTN: The Steve Bishop Early Career Award30 July 2021 Innovate UK Smart Grants: May 202125 August …

PostDoc Researcher wanted: Pre-treatment and Valorisation of Dairy Industry Waste Streams

This position is available at the University of Limerick to undertake research in the area of pre-treatment and valorisation of waste streams of Irish dairy industry. The goal is to enhance existing effluent treatment plants using efficient pre-treatment and post-treatment modular technologies as well as to convert waste sludge [secondary …

New position available within the Bioscience for Renewable Resources and Clean Growth team at BBSRC

BBSRC is looking for a Portfolio Manager that is ready to provide innovative strategic advise through cross council activities. Supporting the advisory panels, presenting items such as future strategic directions while being an ambassador for BBSRC. The tasks to be undertaken are essential for the smooth running of (i) the …

New paper: Chemical pollution-

A growing peril and potential catastrophic risk to humanity Global understanding of anthropogenic chemical pollution remains fragmented, even though it could potentially pose one of the largest environmental threats to humanity. This article, available here or here, examines the threat of chemical pollution to humanity with a particular emphasis on …

MAY 21 Funding Roundup

Innovate UK: Innovation loans2 June 2021 UKRI NERC Contract: Securing sustainable georesources to meet the needs of a resource efficient economy4 June 2021 IBioIC: Feasibility Programme9 June 2021 ALGAE-UK BIV Call25 June 2021 IBioIC: Innovation Fund Project Call1 July 2021 UKRI: Building collaboration at the physics of life interface: 2021 …

MAY 21 Events Roundup

E3BNet: Rare-earth metal responses explored in the genomes of extremophilic red algae Galdieria 17 May 2021 Teesside University Together with Business: Industrial Biotechnologies in the Process Industry Cluster 18 May 2021 KTN: Trusted Research for Industry Series – Life Sciences, Chemistry & Biotechnology20 May 2021 Joint NIBB Event (Algae-UK/BBNet/EBNet): Sargassum …

Energising the post-COVID recovery to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals

2 July 2021 – Third Annual International Conference Contributions are invited from researchers, academics and other stakeholders on these thematic areas. Please send a structured abstract of 500 words by 30th April 2021 indicating the purpose of the work, the methodology used, main findings and your recommendations for recovery and …