Through the ECR WG, we hope to create a supportive space for ECRs who specifically work in environmental biotechnology to support, inspire, and empower each other. This is an opportunity to bring together ECRs in the EBNet community who are geographically dispersed and spread amongst different universities, departments, and disciplines across the UK.
While most universities nowadays provide a wide array of career development opportunities for ECRs, our EBNet ECR WG will create a space for researchers working in diverse research strands of âEnvironmental Biotechnologyâ and facilitate discussions, events, and workshops tailored to help them identify and thrive in areas of their interest.
If you are interested in contributing ideas or helping to organise events and activities relevant to you, contact or any of the members below. We are a friendly cross-disciplinary group from a number of universities and industries and your input is welcome.

Working Group Activities
Available now – Special Issue Call for papers. CIWEM: Water and Environment Journal: Environmental Biotechnology
Submission deadline: Friday, 31 January 2025. Now extended to 30 June 2025.
The guest editors are Dr Tao Lyu, Cranfield University and Dr Anjali Jayakumar, Newcastle University â heads of our PFAs and ECR Working Groups respectively. This special issue is open for participants of the EBNet ECR24 conference AND also the whole EBNet community. Take a look and get your work published HERE.
Past Activities
- Joint Workshop: The Next Wave: Skills Development for Emerging Professionals – a joint EBNet/Institute of Water event. Friday, 25 October 2024, at the Manufacturing Technology Centre, Ansty Park, Coventry, CV7 9JU. Find the Agenda: HERE. There was an informal gathering on Thursday evening, 24th October (Drinks and Networking – see below), with the event itself from 09.30 – 17.00 on Friday, 25th October 2024. See the Flyer here.
- ECR Workshop: Realising the potential of your ideas through partnership and funding: 10-11 October 2023, Sheffield. Brought to you by BBNet, HVB, EBNet and the Supergen Bioenergy Hub. Registration closed at 10:00 on Monday 18 September 2023.
- In Conversation with Environmental Biotechnologists Career Talk #1: Journeys of Academic Pursuits: 14 Aug 23, 13:00-14:15. Registration closed.
- Why not meet up at ECR23 – the free EBNet ECR conference, Edinburgh, 30 Aug-1 September 2023.
- In Conversation with Environmental Biotechnologists Career Talk #2: The Road from Academia to Industry: 21 Nov 2023, 14:00-15:15. Featuring: Dr Stephen Woodgate, Managing Director, Beacon Research Ltd and Dr Becky Greaves, Research Manager, Biogen UK Ltd. Registration closed.
Other Activities
Sign up now for the 6th EBNet ECR conference – free to attend, with a travel bursary for UK-based ECR members. This year it will be held from the 26-28th July 2024, Newcastle. Deadline for abstracts: 20 May 2024. See here.

Working Group Co-ordinator:
Dr Anjali Jayakumar, Lecturer in Chemical Engineering at Newcastle University since December 2022. She studies and designs sustainable materials produced from renewable resources such as biomass, mineral wastes, and microorganisms and utilise them to improve food-energy-water security. Anjali was winner of âBest Presentationâ at the annual EBNet ECR conference 2022. Email:
Working Group Members:
- Alice Banks, Imperial College London
- Becky Greaves, Biogen (industry member)
- Deborah Hall, Harper Adams University
- Natalia Jawiarczyk, Isle Utilities (industry member)
- Szabolcs Pap, University of Highlands and Islands
- Karthika Sangilidurai, Cranfield University
- Manpreet Bagga, Newcastle University
A good general guidance on ECR support is provided online by the AHRC. Read their “Guidance on training and developing early career researchers in the arts and humanities” here. For more general UKRI support see here. And for access to free outreach material for kids on Biochar find a link to ‘Char Comic‘ here.