Category: <span>EBNet Events</span>

EBNet sponsors the Early Career Women in Water (ECWW20) Conference, 17th March 2020, Cranfield

To celebrate and make Women in STEM more visible, Cranfield University is organising the Early Career Women in Water (ECWW20) conference to be held on 17 March 2020. The event will provide a platform for female early career researchers and young water professionals to promote their work and research, thereby …

EBNet 2019 ECR Conference: 1-2 Jul 19, Sheffield Hallam University

Congratulations to all the winners of prizes at our Early Career Researcher (ECR) Conference. Best Overall Presentation (Prize@ £1,500 Travel Bursary): Aaron Brown, University of Leeds Best in Session 1: Ziyi Liu, Imperial College London Best in Session 2: Aaron Brown, University of Leeds Best in Session 3: Natalia Jawiarczyk, …